DepartmentRoomBuildingStreet AddressMail Code
Intl Student and Scholar Svcs327International Studies Bld 910 S. Fifth, Champaign 486
*** *, * 000
Abbott Power Plant (Production)201CAbbott Power Plant 1117 S. Oak, Champaign 572
Academic Services CenterE1103 W Oregon St 1103 W Oregon St, Urbana 055
Academy for Entrepreneurial Leadership270Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Accountancy360Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Accounting 111 E. Green St. 111 E. Green St., Champaign 597
ACES Academic Computing132ACES Library 1101 S. Goodwin, Urbana 631
ACES Academic Progams/Alumni Office132ACES Library 1101 S. Goodwin, Urbana 632
ACES Library132ACES Library 1101 S. Goodwin, Urbana 633
ADM Inst. for the Prevention of Postharvest Loss144National Soybean Research Center 1101 W. Peabody Drive, Urbana 637
Admin Human Res,Universit440Illini Union BookStore 807 S. Wright, Champaign 312
Advanced 510 Devonshire 510 Devonshire Drive, Champaign 665
Advertising119Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright, Urbana 462
Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering306ATalbot Laboratory 104 S. Wright, Urbana 236
Aerospace Studies229Armory 505 E. Armory, Champaign 532
Affirm Action-/Staff/Personnel5th Floor MailroomSwanlund Administration Bldg 601 E. John, Champaign 304
Affirm Action-Academic5th Floor MailroomSwanlund Administration Bldg 601 E. John, Champaign 304
Affirmative Action-Center AdministrationSuite 440Illini Union Bookstore 807 S. Wright, Champaign 312
African Studies210International Studies Building 910 S. Fifth, Champaign 485
Afro-American Studies African American Studies 1201 W. Nevada, Urbana 143
Ag Admin57Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory, Urbana 710
Ag Communications57Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory, Urbana 710
Ag Economics57Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory, Urbana 710
Ag Engineering338Agriculture Engr Sci Bldg 1304 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 644
Ag Resources Dev57Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory, Urbana 710
Ag Services57Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory, Urbana 710
Agr and Natural Resources54Mumford Hall 1301 W Gregory Drive, Urbana 710
AGR-Genetics-Agronomy Soybean Research Farm 1308 W Hazelwood, Champaign 637
Agriculture57Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory, Urbana 710
AISS-Information & Development Administrative Information Technology Services 50 E. Gerty, Champaign 673
AISS-University Administrative Information Technology Services 50 E. Gerty, Champaign 673
AISS/Administration & Planning Administrative Information Technology Services 50 E. Gerty, Champaign 673
AITS Administrative Information Technology Services 50 E. Gerty, Champaign 673
AITS54Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 334
Allerton Park and Retreat Center Allerton Park and Retreat Center 515 Old Timber Rd, Monticello 725
Alumni Association Alice Campbell Alumni Center 601 S. Lincoln, Urbana 077
American Association of University Professors1334ASiebel Center for Computer Science 201 N. Goodwin, Urbana 258
American Indian Studies 1204 W. Nevada St. 1204 West Nevada, Urbana 138
American Physical Society212Loomis Laboratory 1110 W. Green, Urbana 704
Ancient Technology & Architecture103Observatory 901 S. Mathews, Urbana 190
Animal Biology515Morrill Hall 505 S. Goodwin, Urbana 122
Animal Sciences132Animal Sciences Lab 1207 W. Gregory, Urbana 630
Annual Fund & Foundation Relations442-433515 E. Green 507 E. Green, Champaign 418
Anthropology109FDavenport Hall 607 S. Mathews, Urbana 148
Applied Health Sciences110Huff Hall 1206 S. Fourth, Champaign 586
Applied Research Institute206I-CYT 2100 S. Oak St., Champaign 628
Aquatic Ecology & Conservation I Building 1816 S. Oak, Champaign 652
Architecture117Architecture Building 608 E. Lorado Taft, Champaign 624
Architecture Research Laboratory117Architecture Building 608 E. Lorado Taft, Champaign 624
Architecture/Temple Buell117Temple Hoyne Buell Hall 611 E. Lorado Taft, Champaign 621
Archives Research Center103Horticulture Field Laboratory 1707 S. Orchard, Urbana 003
Armed Forces Coord113 WArmory 505 E. Armory, Champaign 526
Art & Design143Art & Design Bldg 408 E. Peabody, Champaign 590
Asian American Cultural Center1025Asian American House 1210 W. Nevada, Urbana 149
Asian American Studies Program 1208 W. Nevada St. 1208 W. Nevada, Urbana 142
Associate President & VP Academic Affairs377Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 362
Astronomy103Astronomy Bldg 1002 W. Green, Urbana 221
Atkins Tennis Center Atkins Tennis Center 1800 S. Wright, Urbana 075
ATLAS112English Building 608 S. Wright, Urbana 460
Atlas Digital MediaG8Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Matthews Ave., Urbana 164
Atmospheric Sciences3070Natural History Building 1301 W. Green, Urbana 104
Automotive Services (Garage/Carpool)201Garage and Carpool Building 1701 S. Oak St., Champaign 677
Automotive Services (Garage/Carpool)201Garage and Carpool Bldg 1701 S. Oak St., Champaign 677
Beckman Institute Beckman Institute 405 N. Mathews, Urbana 251
Benefits & Payroll177Henry Admin Bldg 506 S. Wright, Urbana 318
Big Ten Academic AllianceSuite D1819 S. Neil St, Champaign 1819 S. Neil, Champaign 618
Biochemistry29BRoger Adams Lab (RAL) 600 S. Matthews, Urbana 712
Biocoustics4245Beckman Institute 405 N. Mathews, Urbana 251
Biodiversity I Building 1816 S. Oak, Champaign 652
Bioengineering1102Everitt Lab 1406 W. Green Street, Urbana 278
Biology286Morrill Hall 505 S. Goodwin, Urbana 120
Biotechnology Center Observatory 901 S. Mathews, Urbana 190
Board of Trustees352Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 350
Bruce B Nesbitt African American Cultural Center BNAAC 1212 W Nevada St, Urbana 154
Building Research Council Building Research Council Building 1 E St Mary's Rd, Champaign 664
Bureau of Educational Research158Children's Research Center 2202 Kirk Dr. (51 E. Gerty Dr.), Champaign 672
Business & Financial Affairs238Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 356
Business & Technical Writing208English Building 608 S. Wright, Urbana 718
Business Administration14Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Business Affairs129Coble Hall 801 S. Wright, Champaign 320
Business Careers1033Business Instructional Facility 515 E Gregory, Champaign 520
Business Communication208English Building 608 S. Wright, Urbana 718
Business Community Economic DevelopmentSuite 302The Hub Building 614 E. Daniel St., Champaign 311
Business Information Systems509507 E Green 507 E Green, Champaign 404
CABBI – Plant Biology Innovation GreenhouseOfficeCABBI Greenhouse 1902 S. 4th St., Champaign 693
Campus Center for Advising & Academic ServicesSuite 520Illini Union Bookstore 807 S. Wright, Champaign 317
Campus Charitable Fund Drive5th Floor MailroomSwanlund Administration Building 601 E. John St., Champaign 304
Campus Honors Program 1205 W Oregon 1205 W. Oregon, Urbana 134
Campus Mail Distribution135Printing & Photographic Services Building 54 E. Gregory Dr., Champaign 663
Campus ParkingGround floorNorth Campus Parking Deck 1201 W University, Urbana 241
Campus Recreation1442Activities and Recreation Center 201 E. Peabody, Champaign 556
Campus Recreation Center East(CRCE) Campus Recreation Center - East 1102 W. Gregory, Urbana 053
Campus Wellbeing Services480Illini Union Bookstore 807 S. Wright St., Champaign 324
Capital Programs340Illini Union BookStore 807 S. Wright, Champaign 309
Career Center1st FloorStudent Services Arcade Bldg 715 S. Wright, Champaign 383
Carle Forumlower levelCarle Hospital 611 W. Park, Urbana 474
Carle Illinois College of Medicine320IUB 807 S. Wright, Urbana 325
Cashiering/Bursar162Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 367
CCSO/Commerce14Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
CCSO/DCL1102Digital Computer Lab 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana 256
CCSO/Illini Hall29Illini Hall 721 S. Wright, Champaign 372
CCSO/Oregon 901 W Oregon 901 W. Oregon, Urbana 059
Cell & Struc BiologyB107Chem & Life Sci Lab (CLSL) 601 S. Goodwin, Urbana 123
Center for Advanced Study (CAS)Suite 200Levis Center 919 W. Illinois St., Urbana 064
Center for Asian Studies230International Studies Bld 910 S. Fifth, Champaign 483
Center for Children's Books Library & Information Sci 501 E. Daniel, Champaign 493
Center for Social & Behavioral Science103-107Observatory 901 S Mathews Ave, Urbana 191
Chancellor's OfcInfo DeskSwanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John, Champaign 304
Chancellor's- Special Events & Commencement3rd floor507 E. Green St. 507 E. Green St., Champaign 301
Chemical Engr29BRoger Adams Lab (RAL) 600 S. Mathews, Urbana 712
Chemical Engr Dept29BRoger Adams Lab (RAL) 600 S. Mathews, Urbana 712
Chemical Sci Bus Ofc29BRoger Adams Lab (RAL) 600 S. Mathews, Urbana 712
Chemical Sciences29BRoger Adams Lab (RAL) 600 S. Mathews, Urbana 712
Chemistry Annex29BRoger Adams Lab (RAL) 600 S. Mathews, Urbana 712
Chemistry Library29BRoger Adams Lab (RAL) 600 S. Mathews, Urbana 712
Chemistry/Dept29BRoger Adams Lab (RAL) 600 S. Mathews, Urbana 712
Chief Information Office1102Digital Computer Lab 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana 256
Child Care Resource314Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin, Urbana 180
Child Dev Lab206Early Child Dev Lab 1105 W. Nevada, Urbana 038
Child Dev Lab, Expanded Early Child Dev Lab 1005 W. Nevada, Urbana 034
Children and Family Research Center (Social Work)304100 Trade Centre Drive 100 Trade Centre Drive, Champaign 696
Chilled Water: Facilities & Services8283Oak Street Chiller Plant 1305 S. Oak St., Champaign 577
China & East Asian Exchanges4th Floor507 E Green 507 E Green, Champaign 417
China Exec. Leadership Prog.208Z-2 Building 2001 S. First, Champaign 681
CIERA320Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Cinema Studies3072Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 162
CIRCEMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
Cites Classroom Tech95Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin, Urbana 187
CITL249Armory Bldg 505 E. Armory, Champaign 528
Civic Life19YMCA 1001 S. Wright, Champaign 408
Civil EngrB114Newmark CE Lab 205 N. Mathews, Urbana 250
Civil Service - SURSSuite 241717 Philo Rd 1717 Philo Rd, Urbana 005
Claims Management449Henry Administration Bldg 506 S Wright, Champaign 300
Classics4080Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 174
Clerical LearnerRoom 108Personnel Services Bldg 52 E. Gregory, Champaign 562
Cline Center for Advanced Social ResearchSuite 2072001 S First St. 2001 S. First, Champaign 689
Clinical & Translation Research Carle Hospital 611 W. Park, Urbana 475
Cntr for Prev Res & Dev 510 DEVONSHIRE 510 Devonshire, Champaign 665
Col Wolfe School224Colonel Wolfe School 401 E. Healey, Champaign 422
College of Business14Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
College of EducationMailroomEducation Building 1310 South Sixth Street, Champaign 708
College of Engineering206AEngineering Hall 1308 W. Green, Urbana 272
College of LAS101Atmospheric Science Building 103 S Gregory, Urbana 220
College of Media and Comm. Student Services119Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright, Urbana 462
Community Health2021Huff Hall 1206 S. Fourth, Champaign 588
Comparative Lit3072Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 160
Complex Sys Research Beckman Institute 405 N. Mathews, Urbana 251
Comptroller, Bd Trust349Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 352
Computational Science & Engineering2102ANCSA 1205 W Clark Street, Urbana 257
Computer Lab70Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Conference Services1009CRCE 1102 W Gregory, Urbana 054
Conferences & Institutes-CRCE 1102 W Gregory, Urbana 054
Continuing Education Admin   ,  
Continuing Education Marketing   ,  
Coop Ext Service520Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin, Urbana 184
Coop Ext Service57Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory, Urbana 710
Coop Ext, 4H Mem Camp57Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory, Urbana 710
Coord Science LabMail RoomCoordinated Science Lab 1308 W. Main, Urbana 228
Corp Rel & Commu DevInfo DeskSwanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John, Champaign 304
Council on Teacher EducationSuite 130Education Building 1310 S Sixth Street, Champaign 708
Counseling CenterInfo DeskStudent Services Building 610 E. John, Champaign 306
Credit UnionLobbyCredit Union, U of I 2201 S. First, Champaign 666
Crop SciencesAE-102Turner Hall 1102 S. Goodwin, Urbana 046
Curriculum InstructionMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
DanceMain OfficeDance Administration Bldg 907 1/2 W. Nevada, Urbana 039
Dean of Engineering306Engineering Hall 1308 W. Green, Urbana 266
Dean's Office260Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Decision SupportSuite 201Gateway Building 1800 S. Oak, Champaign 657
Department of Communications3001Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright, Urbana 456
Dept of Distance Educ Sup Morrill Hall 508 S. Sixth, Champaign 445
Development for International Initiatives4th Floor507 E Green 507 E Green, Champaign 417
DIA Academic Services2nd FloorIrwin Academic Serv Cente 402 E. Armory, Champaign 530
DIA FootballFront lobbyHenry Dale and Betty Smith Football Center 1501 S Fourth Street, Champaign 545
DIA Ticket Office100State Farm Center 1800 S. First, Champaign 654
DIA Ticket Office100State Farm Center 1800 S. First, Champaign 654
Disability Resources and Education Services (DRES)103Rehabilitation Center 1207 S. Oak, Champaign 574
Discovery Partners Institute305Henry Admin Building 506 S. Wright St., Urbana 361
Div of Inercollegiate Athletics (DIA) Bielfeldt Athletic Admin Bldg 1700 S. Fourth, Champaign 658
Diversity and Social Justice Ed.LobbyYMCA 1001 S. Wright St., Champaign 410
Division Of Biomedical Sciences Vermillion Development Bldg 901 W. University, Urbana 261
Division of Management InformationSuite 410507 E. Green St. 507 E. Green St., Champaign 411
Division of Research Safety102Envr Health & Savety Bldg 101 S. Gregory, Urbana 225
Document Services (printing/mailing)100Printing Building 54 E. Gregory, Champaign 570
DPS, Emergency Management Unit3rd FloorAdvanced Computation Building 1011 Springfield Ave, Urbana 239
DRI158Rehabilitation Ctr 1207 S. Oak, Champaign 570
E&CE (Research Groups)Mail RoomCoordinated Science Lab 1308 W. Main, Urbana 229
E-Procurement271Henry Admin Bldg 506 S. Wright, Urbana 341
Early Intervention Training ProgramfrontChildren's Research Center 2202 Kirk Dr. (51 E. Gerty Dr.), Champaign 672
East Asian Lang & Cultures2090Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 146
Ecological Entomology I Building 1816 S. Oak, Champaign 652
Econ & Bus Research14Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Economics214David Kinley Hall 1407 W. Gregory, Urbana 707
Ed AdminMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
Ed Policy, Organization and Leadership (EPOL)Mail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
Ed PsychologyMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
EducationMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
Education Justice Project-EPOL9University YMCA 1001 S. Wright St., Champaign 409
Education Theory224Colonel Wolfe School 401 E. Healey, Champaign 421
Education Theory Colonel Wolfe School 401 E. Healey, Champaign 422
Electrical & Computer EngineeringMailroomECE 306 N Wright, Urbana 702
Elementary & Early Child EducationMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
Employee Learning & Organizational Effectiveness1st Floor111 E. Green St. 111 E. Green St., Champaign 440
Energy Research Observatory 901 S. Mathews, Urbana 190
Engineering Administration306AEngineering Hall 1308 W. Green, Urbana 266
Engineering Administration/Dean306Engineering Hall 1308 W. Green, Urbana 266
Engineering Career Services3270Digital Computer Lab 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana 270
Engineering College206AEngineering Hall 1308 W. Green, Urbana 272
Engineering Continuing Education400AEngineering Hall 1308 W. Green, Urbana 268
Engineering Development A306AEngineering Hall 1308 W. Green, Urbana 266
Engineering Development B310Engineering Hall 1308 W. Green, Urbana 269
Engineering OutreachfrontEngineering 1308 W Green Street, Urbana 272
English208English Building 608 S. Wright, Urbana 718
English as International Language3072Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 172
Entomology320Morrill Hall 505 S. Goodwin, Urbana 118
Environmental & Sanitation Engineering3230Newmark CE Lab 205 N. Mathews, Urbana 250
Environmental Engineering and ScienceMail RoomNational Soybean Research 1101 W. Peabody, Urbana 635
Environmental Research Lab172National Soybean Research 1101 W. Peabody, Urbana 635
ESLarp326Noble Hall 1209 S. Fourth, Champaign 549
European Union Center International Studies Building 910 S. Fifth St., Champaign 429
European Union Center328International Studies Building. 910 S. Fifth, Champaign 429
Evolution, Ecology & BehaviourfrontShelford Vivarium 608 E Healey, Urbana 444
Executive Dev Center14Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Executive MBA220Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Extra help Svc/Personnel108Personnel Services Bldg 52 E. Gregory, Champaign 563
Facilities & Services Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 800
Facilities & Services: Bldg Service Workers Garage and Carpool 1701 S. Oak St., Champaign 677
Facilities & Services: Carpenters Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 802
Facilities & Services: Cement Finishers Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 849
Facilities & Services: DDC (Energy Services) Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 855
Facilities & Services: Electricians Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 803
Facilities & Services: Elevator Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 833
Facilities & Services: Furniture Repair Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 876
Facilities & Services: Grounds Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 812
Facilities & Services: High Voltage Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 825
Facilities & Services: Hydronics Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 851
Facilities & Services: Insulators Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 852
Facilities & Services: Iron Workers Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 884
Facilities & Services: IT Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 800
Facilities & Services: Labor-Electricians Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 801
Facilities & Services: Laborers Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 807
Facilities & Services: Locksmith Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 829
Facilities & Services: Machinists Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 808
Facilities & Services: Mill Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 877
Facilities & Services: Operating Engineers Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 886
Facilities & Services: Painter/Glacier/Sign Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 805
Facilities & Services: Pipefitters Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 823
Facilities & Services: Plumbers Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 804
Facilities & Services: Refrig. Mechanics Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 835
Facilities & Services: Roofers Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 834
Facilities & Services: Sheetmetal Workers Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 806
Facilities & Services: Steam Distribution Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 824
Facilities & Services: Temperature Control Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 841
Facilities & Services: Transportation Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 809
Facilities & Services: Waterstation Physical Plant Service Bldg 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign 826
Faculty/Staff Assistance & Well-Being Services 1011 W. University Ave. 1011 W. University, Urbana 255
Fam & Consumer Econ268Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin, Urbana 180
Fed Relations377Henry Admin Bldg 506 S. Wright, Urbana 348
Fellowships - Grad College1st & 2nd floor507 E Green St 507 E Green St, Champaign 434
Finance340Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Fine & Applied Arts100Architecture Bldg 608 E. Lorado Taft, Champaign 622
Fine + Applied Arts100Architecture Building 608 Lorado Taft Dr, Champaign 622
Fine + Applied Arts Information Technology245Art/Arch East Annex, Studio 1 1208 W. Peabody DR, Urbana 623
Fire Serv InstOfficeArson Training Lab 11 E. Gerty, Champaign 675
Fire Station Fire Sub Station 1105 W. Gregory, Urbana 080
Food Sci/Burnside Res Lab205Burnsides Res Lab 1208 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 642
Food Science382DAgriculture Engr Sci Bldg 1304 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 646
Food Science105Agriculture Bioprocess La 1302 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 640
Food Science268Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin, Urbana 182
Food Science Human Nutrition274Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin, Urbana 182
Foods & Nutrition268Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin, Urbana 182
Foundation Annual Giving6th Floor507 E Green 704 S. Sixth, Champaign 414
Foundation Information Systems7th Floor507 E Green 703 S. Wright, Champaign 415
Fraternity and Sorority Affairs409Student Services Bldg 610 E John St, Champaign 306
Freeman Fellow Scholars 805 W Pennsylvania 805 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 025
Freeman fellows Program 912 S. Fifth 912 S. Fifth, Champaign 478
French2090Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 158
Gaseous Electronics161Everitt Lab 1406 W. Green, Urbana 702
Gender & Sexuality Resource Center202Technology Plaza 616 E Green St, Champaign 388
Gender & Women's Studies 1205 W. Nevada 1205 W. Nevada, Urbana 137
General Engineering117Transportation Bldg 104 S. Mathews, Urbana 238
Geography & GIS3081Natural History Bldg. 1301 W. Green, Urbana 150
Geological Survey, State136Natural Resources Buildin 615 E. Peabody, Champaign 650
Geology3028Natural History Building 1301 W. Green Street, Urbana 102
German2090Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 178
Gies AdvancementSuite 430Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Gies Graduate Programs3019Business Instructional Facility 515 E. Gregory, Champaign 520
Global Education and TrainingnaInternational Studies Building. 910 S. Fifth, Champaign 417
Govt Relations/Univ207Administrative Office Building 1737 W Polk St, CHICAGO 976
Graduate Admissions and Support Unit309Coble Hall 801 S. Wright, Champaign 322
Graduate College101507 E Green St 507 E Green St, Champaign 434
Grainger Library Grainger Engineering Library Info Center 1301 W. Springfield, Urbana 274
Guided Individual Studies   ,  
Higher & Cont EdMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
History309Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright, Urbana 466
Hoeft Technology & Management218Wohlers Hall 1206 S. Sixth, Champaign 706
Home Econ EdMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
Horticulture/Dept1108Plant Sciences 1201 S. Dorner, Urbana 634
Horticulture/PABL152Edward R. Madigan Lab 1201 W. Gregory, Urbana 051
Housing Auxil Serv200Clark Hall 1203 S. Fourth, Champaign 548
Housing Div200Clark Hall 1203 S. Fourth, Champaign 548
Housing Food Stores Housing Food Stores 1321 S. Oak, Champaign 580
Housing InventoryOfficeHousing Warehouse 511 W. Hazelwood, Champaign 007
Housing Warehouse Housing Maintenance Shop 511 W. Hazelwood, Urbana 007
Hsg-Allen hallMain OfficeAllen Hall 1005 W. Gregory, Urbana 050
Hsg-Babcock HallMain OfficePennsylvania Ave Residenc 1002 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 018
Hsg-Barton HallReception DeskClark Hall 1203 S. Fourth, Champaign 500
Hsg-Blaisdell HallMain OfficePennsylvania Ave Residenc 901 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 018
Hsg-Bousfield Bousfield Hall 1214 S. Fourth St., Champaign 500
Hsg-Busey Evans Main OffiMain OfficeBusey-Evans 1111 W. Nevada, Urbana 040
Hsg-Busey-Evans Cust OfcMain OfficeBusey-Evans 1111 W. Nevada, Urbana 042
Hsg-Busey-Evans Food SvcMain OfficeBusey-Evans 1111 W. Nevada, Urbana 044
Hsg-Carr HallMain OfficePennsylvania Ave Residence 1001 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 018
Hsg-CLark HallReception DeskClark Hall 1203 S. Fourth, Champaign 548
Hsg-Daniels Hall160Daniels Hall 1010 W. Green, Urbana 222
Hsg-FAR Cust OfcMain OfficeFlorida Ave Residence Hal 1001 College Court, Urbana 014
Hsg-FAR Food ServMain OfficeFlorida Ave Residence Hal 1001 College Court, Urbana 016
Hsg-FAR Main OfcMain OfficeFlorida Ave Residence Hal 1001 College Court, Urbana 012
Hsg-HopkinsGarner OfficeGarner Hall 201 E. Gregory, Champaign 500
Hsg-ISR Cust OfcMain OfficeIllinois Ave Residence Hall 1010 W. Illinois, Urbana 068
Hsg-ISR Food ServMain OfficeIllinois Ave Residence Hall 1010 W. Illinois, Urbana 070
Hsg-ISR Main OfcMain OfficeIllinois Ave Residence Hall 1010 W. Illinois, Urbana 066
Hsg-LAR Cust OfcMain OfficeLincoln Ave Residence Hal 1005 S. Lincoln, Urbana 030
Hsg-LAR Food ServMain OfficeLincoln Ave Residence Hal 1005 S. Lincoln, Urbana 032
Hsg-LAR Main OfcMain OfficeLincoln Ave Residence Hal 1005 S. Lincoln, Urbana 028
Hsg-Lungren Lundgren Hall 1201 S. Fourth, Champaign 500
Hsg-Nugent Timothy J. Nugent Hall 207 E. Gregory Dr., Champaign 500
Hsg-Oglesby HallMain OfficeFlorida Ave Residence Hal 1001 College Court, Urbana 012
Hsg-Orchard Downs1841Orchard Downs 1900 S. Orchard (1900-2200 S. Orchard), Urbana 006
Hsg-PAR Cust OfcMain OfficePennsylvania Ave Residenc 906 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 020
Hsg-PAR Food ServMain OfficePennsylvania Ave Residenc 906 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 022
Hsg-PAR Main OfficeMain OfficePennsylvania Ave Residenc 906 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 018
Hsg-Saunders HallMain OfficePennsylvania Ave Residenc 902 W. Pennsylvania, Urbana 018
Hsg-ScottSnyder OfficeSnyder Hall 206 E. Peabody, Champaign 500
Hsg-Sherman HallMain OfficeSherman Hall 909 S. Fifth, Champaign 490
Hsg-Snyder Snyder Hall 206 E. Peabody, Champaign 500
Hsg-TaftSnyder OfficeSnyder Hall 206 E. Peabody, Champaign 500
Hsg-Townsend HallMain OfficeIllinois Ave Residence Hall 1010 W. Illinois, Urbana 066
Hsg-Trelease HallMain OfficeFlorida Ave Residence Hal 1001 College Court, Urbana 012
Hsg-Unit OneMain OfficeAllen Hall 1005 W. Gregory, Urbana 050
Hsg-Van DorenSnyder OfficeSnyder Hall 206 E. Peabody, Champaign 500
Hsg-Wardall HallMain OfficeIllinois Ave Residence Hall 1010 W. Illinois, Urbana 066
Hsg-Wassaja HallMain OfficeWassaja Hall 1202 S. First St., Champaign 500
Hsg-WestonSnyder OfficeSnyder Hall 206 E. Peabody, Champaign 500
Human & Community Dev2010Christopher Hall 904 W. Nevada, Urbana 081
Human Dev & Fam Ecol206Early Child Dev Lab 1105 W. Nevada, Urbana 038
Human Resource Information Systems449Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 368
Humanities Professional Resource Center105Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright St, Urbana 465
Humanities Research Institute400Levis Center 919 W. Illinois St., Urbana 057
HydrosystemsB114Newmark CE Lab 205 N. Mathews, Urbana 250
I Hotel and Conference Center I Hotel 1900 S. First, Champaign 607
I-Stem313Noble Hall 1209 S Fourth Street, Champaign 508
IACUC114Observatory 901 S. Mathews, Urbana 193
IBRL - Integrated Bioprocessing Research Lab338Integrated Bioprocessing Research Laboratory 1300 W Pennsylvania, Urbana 648
Ice Arena100Ice Arena 406 E. Armory, Champaign 525
Ill Historical Surv22Library 1408 W. Gregory, Urbana 522
Ill Library Computer Syst228Library & Information Sci 501 E. Daniel, Champaign 493
Ill Research Info Service Grainger Library 1301 W. Springfield, Urbana 274
Illini Media1st floorYMCA Building 1001 S Wright, Champaign 497
Illini Union115Illini Union 1401 W. Green, Urbana 384
Illini Union Bookstore Illini Union Bookstore 809 S. Wright, Champaign 378
Illini Union- Starbucks Oregon StfrontCorner of Oregon and Gregory 1103 W Oregon Street, Urbana 088
Illinois 4-H Foundation 1404 South Maryland 1401 S. Maryland, Urbana 709
Illinois Abroad & Global Exchange125International Studies Building 910 S. Fifth, Champaign 480
Illinois Business Consulting 2015 Business Instructional Facility (BIF) 515 E. Gregory, Champaign 520
Illinois Connection Alice Campbell Alumni Center 601 S. Lincoln, Urbana 077
Illinois Early Learning151Children's Research Center 2202 Kirk Dr. (51 E. Gerty Dr.), Champaign 671
Illinois Human Resources420Illini Union BookStore 807 S. Wright, Champaign 310
Illinois Human Resources-SHR108Personnel Services Bldg 52 E. Gregory, Champaign 562
Illinois Informatics Institute New Building* Old Kams 614 E Daniel Street, Champaign 387
Illinois New Teacher Collaboarative120120 Education 1310 S. Sixth St, Champaign 708
Illinois Researcher Information Service433Grainger Engineering Library 1301 West Springfield, Urbana 274
Illinois Sustainable Technology CenterRecep DeskWaste Management & Res La 1 E. Hazelwood, Champaign 676
Illinois Ventures, LCCSuite 201201 S. First 201 S. First, Champaign 687
iMBASuite D2302 Fox Dr 2302 Fox Dr, Champaign 679
INBAL340M2- F & S Building Number 2509 - off campus 301 N Neil Street, Champaign 700
Indoor Climate Research & TrainingSuite 106TECH DEV.& FAB. CENTER 2111 S. OAK ST. CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820, Champaign 699
InformaticsArt Annex 2Champaign Urbana Community Fab Lab 1301 S. Goodwin Ave., Urbana 615
Inst of Govt & Pub Affair Inst of Govrn & Public Af 1007 W. Nevada, Urbana 037
Institute For Genomic Biology IGB 1206 W. Gregory, Urbana 195
Institute of AviationCase OnlyWillard Airport 1 Airport Rd, Savoy 394
Institutional Revue BoardInfo DeskSwanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John, Champaign 304
Instructional & Mgt Serv249Armory 505 E. Armory, Champaign 528
Instructional Media249Armory 505 E. Armory, Champaign 528
Int Design/HousingMain OfficeLincoln Ave Residence Hal 1005 S. Lincoln, Urbana 028
Intensive English InstituteSuite 401507 E Green St. 507 E. Green St., Champaign 416
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute--IHSInaBeckman 405 N. Mathews Ave, Urbana 251
Intergrative Biology286Morrill Hall 505 S. Goodwin, Urbana 120
Interior Design274Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin, Urbana 180
International Area Studies Centers and Thematic Pr224International Studies Building 910 S Fifth St, Champaign 488
International Centers Administrative Services4th Floor507 E Green 507 E Green, Champaign 417
International Forum for U.S. Studies360Armory 505 E. Armory, Champaign 534
International Student Scholar Services (ISSS)101International Studies Building. 910 S. Fifth St., Champaign 417
Intl Agriculture57Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory, Urbana 710
Intl Fac & Staff4th Floor507 E Green 507 E Green, Champaign 417
Intl Student Affairs Student Service Bldg 610 E. John, Champaign 306
Intramurals170Intramural Physical Educ 201 E. Peabody, Champaign 556
IPHEC/CPO Services5th Floor507 E. Green St. 507 E. Green St., Urbana 343
Irwin Academic Services CenterRecpt DeskIrwin Academic Center 402 E Armory Ave, Champaign 530
ISAS2nd FloorNuclear Physics Laboratory 23 Stadium, Champaign 571
iSchool112ALibrary & Information Sci 501 E. Daniel, Champaign 493
iSchool4 & 5th floor614 E Daniel St 614 E Daniel St, Champaign 314
iSEE350National Soybean Research 1101 W. Peabody, Urbana 635
Japan HouseMailboxJapan House 2000 S. Lincoln, Urbana 078
Journalism119Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright, Urbana 462
KCPAMain OfficeKrannert Center for Performing Arts 500 S. Goodwin, Urbana 072
Kinesiology120Freer Hall 906 S. Goodwin, Urbana 052
Krannert Art Museum205Krannert Art Museum 500 E. Peobody, Champaign 592
La Casa Latina 1203 W Nevada 1203 W. Nevada, Urbana 145
Lab Animal Resources10Observatory 901 S. Mathews, Urbana 194
Labor & Ind Rel223Instit of Labor & Indus R 504 E. Armory, Champaign 504
Landscape Arch101Temple Hoyne Buell Hall 611 E. Lorado Taft, Champaign 620
Large Animal Clinic242Veterinary Teaching Hospital 1008 W. Hazelwood, Urbana 004
LAS AAP/Transition2002Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright St., Urbana 446
LAS Admin2090Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright St., Urbana 448
LAS FundraisingOffice103 S. Gregory St. 103 S. Gregory St., URBANA 220
LAS Global Studies3095Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright St., Champaign 442
LAS Student Academic Affairs Office2002Lincoln Hall 702 S Wright Street, Urbana 446
Latin Am & Caribbean201International Studies Bld 910 S. Fifth, Champaign 481
Latina/Latino Studies127A1207 W Oregon 1207 W. Oregon, Urbana 136
Law LibraryMail Rm 1st FlrLaw Building 504 E. Pennsylvania, Champaign 594
Law, College ofMail Rm 1st FlrLaw Building 504 E. Pennsylvania, Champaign 594
LCLB Business Office3072Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 173
Legal Counsel/Campus258Henry Admin Bldg 506 S. Wright, Urbana 340
Legal Counsel/Univ258Henry Admin Bldg 506 S. Wright, Urbana 340
Leis Behav Res Lab/106MailroomChildren's Research Center 2202 Kirk Dr. (51 E. Gerty Dr.), Champaign 672
Levis Faculty Cntr Levis Faculty Ctr 919 W. Illinois, Urbana 060
Library Admin22Library 1408 W. Gregory, Urbana 522
Library Dept Serv22Library 1408 W. Gregory, Urbana 522
Library General Serv22Library & Information Sci 501 E. Daniel, Champaign 493
Library Publications112ALibrary & Information Sci 501 E. Daniel, Champaign 493
Library Research112ALibrary & Information Sci 501 E. Daniel, Champaign 493
Linguistics4088Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 168
Mailing Production (Document Services)141Printing 54 E. Gregory, Champaign 570
Management Info 909 S Sixth 909 S. Sixth, Champaign 484
Masters of Science in Financial Engineering3251Digital Computer Lab 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana 273
Masters of Science in Financial Engineering3251Digital Computer Lab 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana 273
Material Sci/Ceramic201Materials Research Lab 104 S. Goodwin, Urbana 232
Material Sci/M&M201Met & Mining 1304 W. Green, Urbana 246
Materials Research Lab2007Materials Research Lab 104 S. Goodwin, Urbana 230
Mathematics250Altgeld Hall 1409 W. Green, Urbana 382
Mathematics104912 S. Fifth 912 S. Fifth, Champaign 479
MBA405David Kinley Hall 1407 W. Gregory, Urbana 706
MCKECHNIE LIFE HOMEn/a75 Bailey Drive 75 Bailey Drive, Champaign 726
Mckinley Health CntrBus. OfficeMcKinley Health Center 1109 S. Lincoln, Urbana 026
Meat Sci Lab205AMeat Science Lab 1503 S. Maryland, Urbana 010
Mechanical Science & Engineering153Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Bldg. 1206 W. Green, Urbana 244
Media Student Services Center18Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright St, Urbana 477
Medicine, College of179Medical Sciences Building 506 S. Mathews, Urbana 714
Medieval Studies208English Building 608 S. Wright, Urbana 718
Memorial Stadium/FICERecept DeskMemorial Stadium 1402 S First Street, Champaign 555
Micro and Nanotechnology2250Microelectronics Lab 208 N. Wright, Urbana 249
MicrobiologyB103Chem & Life Sci Lab (CLSL) 601 S. Goodwin, Urbana 110
Military Ed Council113 WArmory 505 E. Armory, Champaign 526
Military Science113 WArmory 505 E. Armory, Champaign 526
Miller Comm 912 W Illinois 912 W Illinois, Urbana 064
Minority Stu AffairsInfo DeskStudent Service Bldg 610 E. John, Champaign 306
Molecular & Cellular Biol393Morrill Hall 505 S. Goodwin, Urbana 119
Molecular Integrative Phy524Burrill Hall 407 S. Goodwin, Urbana 114
Molecular Physiology526Burrill Hall 407 S. Goodwin, Urbana 114
MS, MSA, MSF206David Kinley Hall 1407 W. Gregory, Urbana 706
MSPE205David Kinley Hall 1407 W. Gregory, Urbana 707
MSTEmailroomChildren's Research Center 2202 Kirk Dr. (51 E. Gerty Dr.), Champaign 672
Mucia4th Floor507 E Green 507 E Green, Champaign 417
Music3038Music Bldg 1114 W. Nevada, Urbana 056
Music3038Smith Music Hall 805 S. Mathews, Urbana 056
N/ASuite C201 Knollwood Dr. 201 Knollwood Dr., Champaign na
Nat Resources & Envir SciW512ATurner Hall 1102 S. Goodwin, Urbana 047
National Center for Supercomputing Appl1008NCSA Building 1205 W. Clark, Urbana 257
National Soybean Res. LabMail RoomNational Soybean Research 1101 W. Peabody, Urbana 637
Native American House 1206 W. Nevada 1206 W. Nevada, Urbana 139
Natural Areas CommHallwayVivarium, Victor E S 608 E. Healey, Urbana 444
Naval Science236BArmory 505 E. Armory, Champaign 536
NCSA1008NCSA Building 1205 W. Clark, Urbana 257
New Student and Family Experiences210616 E Green St 616 E Green St, Champaign 389
News Bureau3rd Floor507 E Green 507 E Green, Champaign 426
NILOA- Nat'l Institute for Learning Outcomes194Children's Research Center 2202 Kirk Dr. (51 E. Gerty Dr.), Champaign 672
Nuclear,Plasma,& Radiological Engineering100Talbot Laboratory 104 S. Wright, Urbana 234
Nursing2nd625 S Wright 625 S Wright, Urbana 313
Nutritional Science449Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin, Urbana 186
OBFS - Utilities - UA340Illini Union Bookstore 807 S. Wright S, Champaign 399
Ofc of Information Mgt124David Kinley Hall 1407 W. Gregory, Urbana 706
Office for Access & EquitySuite 303The Hub Building 614 E. Daniel St., Champaign 311
Office for the Protection of Research SubjectsSuite AZ Building 1901 S. First St., Champaign 685
Office of Advance Illinois202Technology Plaza 616 E. Green St., Champaign 376
Office of Business Services5th Floor507 E. Green 507 E. Green, Champaign 335
Office of Corporate RelationsSuite C1901 S. First St. 1901 S. First St., Champaign 680
Office of Dean of Students300Student Service Bldg 610 E. John, Champaign 306
Office of Education TechMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
Office of Medicaid Innovation (OMI)10Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright St., Urbana 366
Office of Prestigious ScholarshipsSuite 520Illini Union BookStore 807 S. Wright St, Champaign 317
Office of Proposal Development2nd FloorZ Building 1901 S. First St., Champaign 685
Office of Strategic Initiatives364Henry Admin Bldg 506 S. Wright, Urbana 345
Office of Student Financial Aid249Arcade Bldg 620 E. John, Champaign 303
Office of Technology Mgmt319Ceramics Building 105 S. Goodwin, Urbana 243
Office of the Assoc Provost for Intl Affairs4th Floor507 E Green 507 E Green, Champaign 417
Office of the Registrar114Office of Admissions & Records 901 W. Illinois, Urbana 063
Office of Undergraduate Admissions114Office of Admissions & Records 901 W. Illinois, Urbana 061
Office-Campus Community Living300Turner Student Services Bldg 610 E John St, Champaign 306
OMSA-Academic Services CenterE1103 W Oregon St 1103 W Oregon St, Urbana 055
Online ProgramsD2302 Fox Drive 2302 Fox Drive, Champaign 679
Organic Chemistry29BRoger Adams Lab (RAL) 600 S. Matthews, Urbana 712
Osher Lifelong Learning InstituteSuite 201M2 Building 301 North Neil Street, Champaign 616
OVCAA&P Budget and Resource Planning4th Floor507 E Green St 507 E Green St, Champaign 411
OVCDEISuite 303The Hub Building 614 E. Daniel St., Champaign 311
Pathology179Medical Sciences Building 506 S. Mathews, Urbana 714
Pharmacology179Medical Sciences Building 506 S. Mathews, Urbana 714
Philosophy105Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright, Urbana 468
Photo Serv/Imaging Bldg Printing & Photographic S 54 E. Gregory, Champaign 570
Physics212Loomis Lab 1110 W. Green, Urbana 704
Physics-Nuclear212Loomis Lab 1110 W. Green, Urbana 704
Planning & Budgeting338Henry Admin Bldg 506 S. Wright, Urbana 360
Planning & Budgeting/CarliSuite 303100 Trade Centre 100 Trade Center Drive, Champaign 638
Plant Biology265Morrill Hall 505 S. Goodwin, Urbana 116
Plant/Animal Biotech Lab152Animal Sci A/C Center 1201 W. Gregory, Urbana 051
Police Training Institute3211004 S Fourth 1004 S. Fourth, Champaign 523
Political Science420David Kinley Hall 1407 W. Gregory, Urbana 713
Prairie Research Institute179Natural Resources Building 615 E. Peabody Drive, Champaign 650
President's HouseBack DoorPresident's House 711 W. Florida, Urbana 009
President's Ofc364Henry Admin Bldg 506 S. Wright, Urbana 346
Principal's Scholar DepartmentSuite 201Durst Building 1112 W. University, Urbana 248
Printing Department (See Document Services) Printing Building 54 E. Gregory, Champaign 570
Prog in S&W Asian Stu221International Studies Bld 910 S. Fifth, Champaign 489
Program in Arms Control (ACDIS)311International Studies Bldg 910 S. Fifth St., Champaign 405
Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS)Suite AZ Building 1901 S. First St., Champaign 685
Psychology308Psych Bldg 603 E. Daniel, Champaign 716
Psychology Service Center329505 E Green 505 E. Green, Champaign 441
Public Engagement504Swanlund Administration Bldg 601 E John St, Champaign 304
Purchasing and Contract Management Office212 Illini Plaza1817 S. Neil 1817 S. Neil, Champaign 602
Quick Copy/Bevier180Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin, Urbana 180
Radio & TV Communic119Gregory Hall 810 S. Wright, Urbana 462
Radioisotope Lab29BRoger Adams Lab (RAL) 600 S. Matthews, Urbana 712
Reading, Study ofMailroomChildren's Research Center 2202 Kirk Dr. (51 E. Gerty Dr.), Champaign 670
Real Estate Services208Henry Admin Building 506 S Wright, Urbana 321
Records and Appointment Processing- IHRreception52 E Gregory Dr 52 E Gregory Dr., Champaign 562
Recreation, Sport and Tourism219Huff Hall 1206 S. Fourth, Champaign 584
Regional Economics App. Lab (REAL)318Davenport Hall 607 S. Mathews Ave., Urbana 151
Religious Studies3072Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 166
Res on Human Dev/Rm 117MailroomChildren's Research Center 2202 Kirk Dr. (51 E. Gerty Dr.), Champaign 672
Research BoardInfo DeskSwanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John, Champaign 304
Retirement Sys, St Univ 1901 Fox Drive 1901 Fox Drive, Champaign 668
RIPE HTPF GreenhouseOfficeRIPE High-Throughput Phenotyping Facility 1906 S. 4th St., Champaign 693
Risk ManagementSuite 247Henry Administration 505 S. Wright, Champaign 337
Risk Mgt, Campus Public Safety Building 1110 W. Springfield, Urbana 240
Risk Mgt, Univ247Henry Administrative Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 337
Rokwire Smart, Healthy, Communities331Grainger Library 1301 W Springfield Ave, Urbana 274
Roy J. Carver Biotechnology Center2610Biotechnology Center 1206 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana 195
Russian & E European104International Studies Bld 910 S. Fifth, Champaign 487
Salaam Middle East & North Africa Cultural CenterSuite E700 S. Gregory St. 700 S. Gregory St., Urbana 035
School of Earth, Society, and Environment3081Natural History Bldg. 1301 W. Green, Urbana 102
School of Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics2090Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 171
School of Social Work20001010 W. Nevada 1010 W. Nevada, Champaign 082
School of Social Work-PATHF510 Devonshire 510 Devonshire, Champaign 665
Secondary EdMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
Secretary of University352Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 350
Security Management OfficeSuite DZ Building 1901 S. First St., Champaign 609
SEDACback doorFAA Design Research Laboratory 1 St. Mary's Road, Champaign 606
Senate/FAC228English Building 608 S. Wright, Urbana 718
Shared Business Services Center (SBSC)2250Digital Computer Lab 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana 279
Siebel Center for Computer Science1330Siebel Center for Computer Science 201 N. Goodwin, Urbana 258
Siebel Center for Design211Noble Hall 1209 S Fourth St, Champaign 507
Sinfonia Da CameraDirectors OfficeKCPA 500 S. Goodwin, Urbana 072
SLATE4080Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 175
Slavic Lang & Lit3072Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 170
Slavic Review 1207 W Oregon 1207 W. Oregon, Urbana 144
Small Animal Clinic242Veterinary Teaching Hospi 1008 W. Hazelwood, Urbana 004
Social Work- WRD102100 Trade Centre Drive 100 Trade Centre Drive, Champaign 696
Sociology326Lincoln Hall 702 S. Wright, Urbana 454
Spanish, Italy & Portuguese4080Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 176
Special edMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
Special Materials Storage124BSpecial Materials Storage Facility 2006 S Griffith, Champaign 612
Speech & Hearing1st floorMRP Building 4 Gerty Dr., Champaign 690
Speech & Hearing Science57Speech and Hearing Science 605 E. Springfield Ave, Champaign 482
Speech--AUDIOLOGY AND SPEECHSuite BChild Care Facility 2001 S Oak St., Champaign 617
Sponsored Programs AdministrationSuite AZ Building 1901 S. First, Champaign 685
Spurlock Museum Spurlock Museum 600 S. Gregory, Urbana 065
State 4-H OfficeSuite E801 N Country Fair Dr 801 N Country Fair Dr, Champaign n/a
State Farm CenternaState Farm Center 1700 S Fourth, Champaign 658
State Farm Center - Business Office113Assembly Hall 1800 S. First, Champaign 656
Statistics152CAB 605 E. Springfield, Champaign 374
Stores & Receiving170Central Receiving Bldg 1609 S. Oak St., Champaign 662
Strategic Communication & Marketing3rd Floor507 E. Green 507 E Green, Champaign 426
Strategic Marketing & Branding3rd Floor507 E Green St 507 E Green St, Champaign 426
Student Academic Affairs Office2002Lincoln Hall 702 S Wright Street, Champaign 446
Student ActivitiesInfo DeskStudent Services Building 610 E. John, Champaign 306
Student Affairs5th Floor MailroomSwanlund Administration Bldg 601 E. John, Champaign 304
Student DisciplineInfo DeskStudent Services Building 610 E. John, Champaign 306
Student Health InsuranceSHIMcKinley Health Center 1109 S Lincoln Ave., Urbana 026
Student Success, Inclusion, and Belonging (SSIB)284Illini Union 1401 W. Green, Urbana 384
Student TeachingMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
Supercomputing/Res & DevMail RoomCoordinated Science Lab 1308 W. Main, Urbana 228
Surplus Office Hort Field Steel Bldg 1801 S. Orchard, Urbana 062
Survey Research LaboratoryfrontIGPA building 1007 W Nevada, Urbana 036
Swanlund Human Resources101Vermillion Development Bldg. 901 W. University Ave., Urbana 265
System Human Resources440Illini Union Bookstore 807 S Wright, Urbana 341
System Purchasing & Support Services501507 E. Green St. 507 E. Green St., Champaign 407
Technology Entrepreneur Center350Coordinated Science Lab 1308 W. Main, Urbana 228
Technology Services1102Digital Computer Lab 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana 256
Testing CenterSuite BIllini Plaza 1819 S Neil Street610 E. John, Champaign 610
Text, App & Int Design274Bevier Hall 905 S. Goodwin, Urbana 180
TheatreMain OfficeKrannert Center for Performing Arts 500 S. Goodwin, Urbana 072
Title IX & Disability OfficeSuite 303The Hub Building 614 E. Daniel St., Champaign 311
Treasury Operations- I Card439Henry Administration Building 506 S Wright, Urbana 369
Treasury Operations-Capital Finance209Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 339
Treasury Operations-Cash Management & Invest214Henry Admin Bldg 506 S. Wright, Urbana 339
Treasury Operations-Financial Affairs209Henry Admin Bldg 506 S. Wright, Urbana 339
U I FoundationLobbyThe Philanthropy Center 303 St. Mary’s Rd., Champaign 386
U I Integrate 111 E. Green St. 111 E. Green, Champaign 597
Undergrad Affairs1055Business Instructional Facility 515 E Gregory, Champaign 520
Undergrad Library22Library 1408 W. Gregory, Urbana 522
Undergraduate Admissions--ChicagoFloor 19Illini Center 200 S. Wacker Dr., Chicago 200
Undergraduate Services2090Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics Bldg. (LCLB) 707 S. Mathews, Urbana 177
Univ of Illinois Extension 1917 S. Wright St. 1917 S. Wright St., Champaign 011
University Archives22Library 1408 W. Gregory, Urbana 522
University Audits206505 E Green 505 E. Green, Champaign 498
University Bands140Harding Band Building 1103 S. Sixth, Champaign 524
University Contract Records Office (UCRO)331* 506 S. Wright St., Urbana 359
University Ethics & Compliance Office318BHenry Administration Building 506 S. Wright St., Urbana 353
University Laboratory High SchoolMain OfficeUniversity Laboratory High School 1212 W. Springfield, Urbana 254
University of Illinois Online (U of I Online)Suite 370Illini Union Bookstore 807 S. Wright St., Champaign 323
University Payables2011817 S. Neil 1817 S. Neil, Champaign 660
University Police Department Public Safety Building 1110 W. Springfield, Urbana 240
University PressOfficeUniversity Press Building 1325 S. Oak, Champaign 566
University Senates Conference378Henry Administration Bldg 506 S Wright St, Urbana 348
University Sourcing DeptSte 2021878 S Neil 1878 S Neil, Champaign 603
University-Wide Student Programs363Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright St, Urbana 307
Upward BoundInfo DeskStudent Service Bldg 610 E. John, Champaign 306
Urban & Reg Planning111Temple Hoyne Buell Hall 611 E. Lorado Taft, Champaign 619
Utilities Administration340Illini Union Bookstore 807 S Wright, Champaign 399
Veterinary Bioscience1828Veterinary Medicine Basic Science Building 2001 S. Lincoln, Urbana 002
Veterinary Clinical Medicine1828Veterinary Medicine Basic Science Building 2001 S. Lincoln, Urbana 002
Veterinary Medicine Administration1828Veterinary Medicine Basic Science Building 2001 S. Lincoln, Urbana 002
Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital-South ClinicfrontSouth Clinic 2100 S. Goodwin, Urbana 008
Veterinary Pathobiology1828Veterinary Medicine Basic Science Building 2001 S. Lincoln, Urbana 002
Veterinary Program In Agriculture1828Veterinary Medicine Basic Science Building 2001 S. Lincoln, Urbana 002
VetMed i-Learning Center29382938 VMBSB 2001 S Lincoln Ave, Urbana 002
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs5th Floor MailroomSwanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John, Champaign 304
Vice Chancellor for Administration & OperationsMain Office707 S. Sixth Street 707 S. Sixth Street, Champaign 397
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs5th Floor MailroomSwanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John, Champaign 304
Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement3001Alice Campbell Alumni Center 601 S Lincoln Ave, Urbana 079
Vice Chancellor for Research5th Floor MailroomSwanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John, Champaign 304
Vice Chancellor For Student Affairs5th Floor MailroomSwanlund Admin Bldg 601 E. John, Champaign 304
Vice President Academic Affairs377Henry Administration Building 506 South Wright, Urbana 348
Vice President for Academic Affairs377Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 348
Vice President for Academic Affairs/Associate378Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 362
Vice President for Business & Finance349Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 352
Vice President for Economic Development & Innov.346Henry Administration Building 506 S. Wright, Urbana 365
Visting Asian Scholars Program 205 S Goodwin 205 S. Goodwin, Urbana 277
VivariumHallwayVivarium 608 E. Healey, Champaign 444
Vocational Agricultural Services57Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory, Urbana 710
Vocational Agriculture57Mumford Hall 1301 W. Gregory, Urbana 710
VotecMail RoomEducation Building 1310 S. Sixth, Champaign 708
Waste Management & Recycling270Waste Transfer & Mat. Recovery Facility 10 E St Mary's Rd, Champaign 688
Water Resources172National Soybean Research 1101 W. Peabody, Urbana 637
Water Survey, StateMail RoomWater Survey Research Cen 2204 S. Griffith, Champaign 674
WaterCampus2129Sidney Lu Mechanical Engineering Bldg 1206 W. Green, Urbana 244
Web Services3rd Floor507 E Green 507 E Green, Champaign 426
Wildlife & Plant Ecology I Building 1816 S. Oak, Champaign 652
WILL Illinois Public MediaMail RoomCampbell Hall 300 N. Goodwin, Urbana 252
Women & Gender in Global Perspectives Program346346 Armory Building 505 E. Armory St., Champaign 501
Women's Health PracticeRecept Desk2125 S. Neil 2125 S. Neil, Champaign 000
Women's Resources Center213616 E Green St 616 E Green St, Champaign 302
Women's Student Union115Illini Union 1401 W. Green, Urbana 384
Writers Workshop22Main Library 1408 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana 522
WYSE OfficeSuite 3300DCL 1304 W. Springfield, Urbana 270
YMCACase OnlyYMCA 1001 S. Wright, Champaign 390
YWCACase OnlyYMCA 1001 S. Wright, Champaign 390
Zoonoses Research1828Veterinary Medicine Basic Science Building 2001 S. Lincoln, Urbana 002