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ness, while some claim that micro- aggression theory is nothing more than the perpetuation of victimhood culture.
However, there is an abundance of research and empirical evidence that supports the idea of microaggres- sion theory. The emotional harm and feelings of despair they convey are very real to their victims. And students at the University of Illinois experience them every day. This is an educational environment for our students and students are encour- aged to be part of the conversation in productive ways to help create a more inclusive community where all feel welcome.
Students, parents and families can learn more by visiting racialmicro- Awareness and education are key to creating an inclusive campus community.
UIPD Police Beat
Patrick Wade, Communications Specialist, University of Illinois Police Department
The holi- day season means it’s time to trav- el. That’s especially true for stu- dents at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, who will spend a lot of time shuffling back and forth between school and home during the Thanksgiving and winter holidays.
Depending on what their holiday plans are, students may want to take
a few extra safety precautions as they head into the winter season.
If your student is driving long dis- tances, remind them to:
- Slow down – especially when there’s visible snow and ice on the road, but even if the road looks clear. The ground temperature may be lower than the air temperature causing black ice to form on the road surface. Remember that it takes longer to stop on slick roads, so allow more distance between you and the car in front of you.
- Avoid using cruise control. This may exacerbate the problem if you lose traction. If you do lose trac- tion, take your foot off the accel- erator or gently tap the break. Try not to jerk the wheel.
- Bring an emergency kit which includes, at the very least, a first-aid kit, bottled water, non-perishable high-energy food, blankets, flash- light, gravel or kitty litter for trac- tion, a shovel, booster cables and a map.
- If you become stranded, do not leave your car. If you’re hurt, call 911. In non-emergencies, call police with your location and wait for first-responders to reach you. In particularly bad weather, be aware that it may take a few hours for responders to reach you as they deal with bad travel conditions and a high volume of calls.
- The National Weather Service offers more tips for safe winter travel. Just visit WinterTravel.
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The Moms and Dads Associations are two separate, non-profit entities who strive to serve all students at the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign.
There are many ways to get in- volved in the associations. The as- sociations rely on volunteers for the success of their programs. Some volunteer opportunities include: Summer Registration, Moms or Dads Weekend, and Admitted Stu- dent Days.
If you’re looking to get even more involved, each association has a vol- unteer Board of Directors. You can find nomination forms for the re- spective boards on their individual websites or illini-
For more information, e-mail the Illini Union Parent Programs Of- fice at iuparentfamily-, or call (217) 333-7063.
Get Involved!

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